Monday, August 28, 2006

Writing Life

This morning two of the blogs I read regularly had recycled posts. Nothing wrong with rerunning a worthy topic – there’s only so much wisdom on any given subject. A lot of writing advice is simply a new version of an old lesson. Not unlike plots.

Still, it disgruntled me to have to make my own inspiration. This is the nature of writing. Romance writers have wonderfully supportive groups, organizations, peers, friends and families. Somehow it still boils down to you and a blank screen or a screen full of words, which aren’t quite right.

Romance writers, published and aspiring, reach out to nurture and help their struggling peers with amazing generosity and lots of positive reinforcement. The discouraging statistics are largely ignored. Most women who attempt writing a romance never finish a book. Of those who complete and submit a book, only a frighteningly small number ever get published. Of those who achieve publication very few are able to support themselves and their families.

There are superstars whose titles glitter on the magical New York Times Best Seller list year after year. Those perennial favorites are the same percentage as the music artists who add to their platinum record collection or actors who need a trophy room for their awards or ball players who have agents negotiating their multi-million dollar sports contracts.

I’m not going to get published with positive thoughts and pats on the back. Success comes to those who take their raw talent and work their tails off.


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