Sunday, May 27, 2007

Publication Quest

Submission number four is close! One change in how I work -- expanding the type of story written -- widened my horizon. The variety of formats keeps the work fresh. Each style offers its own charm. The romantic suspense manuscripts are the longest and most demanding in terms of time. The novellas include just a hint of danger -- challenge enough for a plot driven writer. The shorts are dangerously sexy bedtime reading, darn hard writing. I see a pattern . . . .

Current year's goals updated

1) Craft improvement is back - it helps tell the good story

2) Three submissions

3) In roads into the TBR shelves

Progress report

Reading the last unread craft book – it’s good!

Three submissions sent!

Working on number four (polishing)

Status: One rejection – two still waiting to hear from the publishers


Number Two: Two months, one week – estimated response time from publisher 1 month

Number three: One month and three weeks - estimated response time from publisher none*

*Publisher did acknowledge the submission, but included a warning not to contact them about submissions to this line. Three months is long enough for them to have an exclusive.

TBR stack is smaller


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