Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Writng and Real Life

One of the things that continually surprises me is how quickly time disappears when I’m not writing. Hush! I can hear all those virtual gasps. It’s true--I do take a day off now and then. In fact, the balance between work and play is something I’m trying to fine tune.

In an effort to become a more reasonable person, an important goal for the self-employed, when I thought about this year’s writing goals I tried for moderation. This was the first time the goal setting process included estimates for research, revision, polishing, and plotting. It’s not that I haven’t done all of those things--I’ve just never allow any time for them. This year I did.

The downside is no new projects for me this year. And it’s only January!

The good news is: five projects will be ready to market this year. There’ll be time for those all important editorial revisions, in depth research, polishing, and my personal favorite--plotting. To say nothing of the soul enriching benefits of a reasonably clean house, mowed yard, healthy meals, dog walks, and reading time.

I’ll keep you posted on how well my new reasonable life plan works.

Just for fun I looked up last year's goals.

Current year's goals

1) Study characterization to add depth to the story's cast
2) Three submissions
3) In roads in the TBR shelves

Seemed like a lot at the time!

Here's how it went:

1) Study characterization--you betcha (but studying is never done)
2) Six submissions--(one sale, one still pending, some great feedback)
3) Made serious progress with the TBR shelves (I'm allowed to buy new books)


Blogger Karen Erickson said...

Good goals Evanne. I sometimes think I expect too much of myself and push too hard. Moderation is not a bad thing...


10:30 PM  
Blogger Evanne Lorraine said...

Karen, I agree totally but moderation looks different for each of us.... Sadly, I'm not a fast writer and I still need many passes to get the story the best I can make it--so my five project list is still ambitious. :)

8:30 AM  

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