Friday, August 04, 2006

Decisions decisions

Book revisions complete - it's time to start work on a new story. I love the brainstorming, plotting, puttering about thinking about the characters to the point where I could do that and never actually write a book.

Writing the whole book is hard. First draft, second draft, polishing, revisions - all of it is hard there are days when the words flow and I love the characters, but there are plenty of days of when the words trickle and the characters sulk.

Thinking up potential stories is like dancing with a bunch of hot guys, once you decide on one to actually go out with and begin a relationship it takes a whole lot more effort.

Here I am at the dance and I already promised this one guy, but then this incredible man walked in and gave me the look . . .

You see how I'm easily led astray.

I read advice on this problem earlier today. The nice sensible suggestion was when a bunch of ideas are calling your name - pick the most commercial of the group. I'd sure like to have her crystal ball. I have zero idea what will be hot in in the next year or two, which is about the time frame from inception to publication - if all goes well.


Blogger Unknown said...

I love the beginning...but if I plot it too much I lose interest. Not good since plotting can help you see if a book is worthwhile.

9:39 PM  
Blogger Evanne Lorraine said...

Hey Jenna, I admire your energy and you write a kickass first chapter - the rest must be good too since you're a MX author!

Thnaks for stopping by.

7:55 AM  

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