Sunday, April 22, 2007

Publication Quest

This past week I got a big chunk of a line edit for submission number two. A couple of new-to-me grammar rules are now firmly embedded. Sheesh! There's no end to this stuff. Time consumming but good for me and for the story.

I've been planning and plotting a fourth submission. Cleaned up a few pages of submission number one based on the newly acquired grammar rules learned from submission number two's edit. Thinking about entering another contest with submission number one (a favorite editor is the final judge), but would much prefer getting feedback from the lovely editor who has already has the story in her TBR stack. ;)

Current year's goals

1) Study characterization to add depth to the story's cast

2) Three submissions

3) In roads in the TBR shelves

Progress report:

Done reading the stack of books related to characterization - Creating Unforgettable Characters deserves a second read, still not reading it though. Got sidetracked by research reading this time.;)

Three submissions sent!

Plotting and planning stage for number four!

Status: still waiting to hear from the publishers :(


Number One: four months and one week - estimated response time from publisher 3 months

Number Two: One month - estimated response time from publisher 1 month

Number three: Two weeks - estimated response time from publisher none*

*Publisher did acknowledge the submission, but included a warning not to contact them about this submission. :( Word is they got lots of submissions (new line) and are sorting them out.


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