Sunday, June 17, 2007

Publication Quest

Still pinching myself – over the offer of a contract. And so glad I started working on the sequel to Dangerous Surrender. I’m reminding myself there’s still a long ways to go before the book is actually released. Like a traveler entering a new country, I have only vague impressions of what the next stage of the journey looks like. Doubtless the road to publication is different for each writer who ventures forth into the unknown.

Current year's goals updated

1) Continue to study and learn the craft of writing.

2) Three submissions – done – follow up with a sequels to each *

3) In roads into the TBR shelves

Progress report

1) Paid my RWA dues. Yes I’m cheap. But it’s good to stay informed about the industry.

Four submissions sent! Two novels, one novella, and one short

Status: One sale – one rejection – two waiting to hear from the publishers


Number Two: Sold!

Number three: Two months two weeks - estimated response time from publisher none**

Number four: Two weeks – estimated response time from publisher a few more weeks***

*Yes, I do admit this is an insane plan, but I need to stay busy. If I have idle time I become even more neurotic and imagine unpleasant things. Far better to put my twisted mind to work developing more dangerously sexy stories.

**Publisher did acknowledge the submission, but included a warning not to contact them about submissions to this line. IMHO Three months is long enough for them to have an exclusive.

***The gracious editor wrote, explaining the number of entries, recent personnel changes, and general fatigue forced them to extend their expected response time.

TBR stack grew – sort of I succumbed to temptation, acquiring books from the library and e-published stories which do not weigh on the shelves but still . . .


Blogger Lori Borrill said...

OMGOMGOMG!!! How did I miss this?? I would have sworn on a million bibles I'd been at your blog Thursday or Friday. I guess time flies faster than I realized!


And what are you doing to celebrate??

Darn, I feel so bad you've been sitting there since Thursday. You coulda sent me an e-mail, darlin!!

Jumping the jiggedy dance!! (Just made that up in your honor) (gg)

11:54 AM  
Blogger Karen Erickson said...

Ok I'm dying to know who you sold to! I love first sale details! Heck I love all sale details! So share when you can.

And mega congrats! I'm jumping the jiggedy dance with Lori.

12:05 PM  
Blogger Evanne Lorraine said...


I'm getting neurotic and supertious - but I do have a written evidence. LOL New Concepts Publishing is the lovely editor's company. I don't know much of anything and doubt I will learn anything more until the contract is signed. But since she made an offer - I assume revisions will be light.

Aside from jumping up and down and screaming on the phone to Sheila and generally acting like a toddler on a sugar high - I'm cool.

I loooove the jiggedy dance - so festive. I'm practicing the steps right now.

12:15 PM  
Blogger Evanne Lorraine said...

Aside from me rereading the tasteful editor's email complusively - there's nothing unusual about the 'call' - just a nice quiet email.

When I saw the editor's name in my virtual inbox - I thought damn there's some problem with the manuscript file I sent her. I emailed the book June 5th, she emailed back on the 14th - so I figured the file was corrupt or wouldn't open or had never arrived. When I read it the words literally didn't compute. I read it several times looking for the catch - LOL. You know, the words I'd missed such as -- we would buy this story except we bought two just like it last week . . . but after a good dozen reads it still says send me your legal name and address . . .

12:23 PM  
Blogger Lori Borrill said...

OMG, this is fantastic!!! I seriously think this is the year everyone waiting will get their good news. I can't WAIT to read it!!

Can you tell us about the book?? I'll be sure to stay up on your blog more closely. I want to hear about release dates, etc. when you get them. Make sure you let us know when it's available so we can make a big deal over it at Sizzling Pens!

12:30 PM  
Blogger Evanne Lorraine said...

Lori, You're terrific! After I actually sign a real contract I'll do an official blog about the call - cause I love reading those and I know I have a lot of aspiring readers who lurk (love that word!).

Believe me I will mention release dates, title, all that good stuff and I appreciate any plugs.;)

My working title is Dangerous Surrender. The story is a romantic suspense with erotic elements. I'm all excited to see how the publisher classifies it, to find out if they want revisions, and oh about a million things. LOL

But I realize the tasteful editor has other obligations besides holding a newbie author's hand.

12:39 PM  
Blogger Avery Beck said...

HUGE congrats Evanne!!! :-)

back to cave, but will pop in to hear details when you have them...

5:07 PM  
Blogger Evanne Lorraine said...

Thanks Avery! I understand about the cave. ;)

6:18 PM  
Blogger Karen Erickson said...

Oh yay! Congrats Evanne - I was just on NCP's website this morning! Someone shared a new cover she has from them and it was smokin' hot. So I hope you get a smokin' hot cover too. Whoo hoo! Virtual party in the works...

8:19 PM  
Blogger Evanne Lorraine said...

Hey Karen, I like smokin' hot - just the way I write. LOL

10:21 PM  
Blogger Tracy Deebs said...

OMG! I was busy running errands this morning and I'm late to the party! Congratulations, Evanne! How absolutely fabulous! I'm so totally thrilled for you--wallow in the joy and glory of it all. Those pesky details will come along soon enough.

You go girl!

10:47 AM  
Blogger Evanne Lorraine said...

Tracy, is that you from the Blaze thread a million years ago? Congatulations to you on your sale to Everlasting - I know the Sizzling Pens will keep me posted on the details.;)

Great to see you again and thanks for the kind words. You're not late to party - its going on and on inside me. LOL

12:03 PM  

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