Sunday, April 29, 2007

Publication Quest

The current story is zooming along, a novella length erotic romance. I do realize it's insanely ambitious or just plain insane to target multiple publishers when I've yet to sell a single title.

But crazy might be part of the writer's job description. Consider how many aspiring writers pour their hearts' blood onto the hard drive day after day, facing such odds requires a certain amount of willingness to disregard reality.

I like to read different genres. I like to write different genres. There are others who've blazed this trail before me. When I consider how nutty it is to choose writing for publication as a goal, then writing more than one type of story seems like a harmless aberration.

Current year's goals

1) Study characterization to add depth to the story's cast

2) Three submissions

3) In roads in the TBR shelves

Progress report:
Done reading the stack of books related to characterization - Creating Unforgettable Characters deserves a second read, still not reading it. Hmmm distinct lack of discipline here.

Three submissions sent!

Working on number four (see word meter number four)!

Status: still waiting to hear from the publishers :(


Number One: four months and two weeks - estimated response time from publisher 3 months

Number Two: One month and one week - estimated response time from publisher 1 month

Number three: Three weeks - estimated response time from publisher none*

*Publisher did acknowledge the submission, but included a warning not to contact them about this submission. :( Word is they got lots of submissions (new line) and are sorting them out.

TBR shelves are continuing to thin - the row of books behind the front stacks are now visible on all shelves. . .


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