Publication Quest
I'm going to have to rename this thread eventually. :) Strangely enough I'm not in a big rush for the first book to be released. I'm sure the day will come quickly enough. Meanwhile I've got lots to keep me busy.
Those women (and there are a lot of them) who produce a whole slew of stories each year have my deepest admiration and a bit of envy. They must think and type much faster than I do. Actually, it's the thinking part that really slows me down. As slow and poky as the first draft is - even as I make the key strokes I know it will require another draft and another. Practice improves speed, yet there is still so much to learn and I learn slowly.
Current year's goals updated
1) Continue to study and learn the craft of writing.
2) Three submissions – done – follow up with a sequels* to each-- first sequel in progress!
3) In roads into the TBR shelves
Progress report
1) Reading craft stuff –
Six submissions sent! Two novels, one novella x two, and one short x two
Status: One sale – two rejections – two waiting to hear from the publishers--yes I realize this doesn't add up--one story has been submitted to two publishers--living on the edge here ;)
Number Two: Sold!
Number three: Resubmitted--new estimated response time--eight to ten weeks
Number four: Rejected and resubmitted – new estimated response time – one month
*Yes, I do admit this is an insane plan, but I need to stay busy. If I have idle time I become even more neurotic and imagine unpleasant things. Far better to put my twisted mind to work developing more dangerously sexy stories.
TBR stack is down (as long as I don’t count the virtual shelf) – read a couple of print books
Those women (and there are a lot of them) who produce a whole slew of stories each year have my deepest admiration and a bit of envy. They must think and type much faster than I do. Actually, it's the thinking part that really slows me down. As slow and poky as the first draft is - even as I make the key strokes I know it will require another draft and another. Practice improves speed, yet there is still so much to learn and I learn slowly.
Current year's goals updated
1) Continue to study and learn the craft of writing.
2) Three submissions – done – follow up with a sequels* to each-- first sequel in progress!
3) In roads into the TBR shelves
Progress report
1) Reading craft stuff –
Six submissions sent! Two novels, one novella x two, and one short x two
Status: One sale – two rejections – two waiting to hear from the publishers--yes I realize this doesn't add up--one story has been submitted to two publishers--living on the edge here ;)
Number Two: Sold!
Number three: Resubmitted--new estimated response time--eight to ten weeks
Number four: Rejected and resubmitted – new estimated response time – one month
*Yes, I do admit this is an insane plan, but I need to stay busy. If I have idle time I become even more neurotic and imagine unpleasant things. Far better to put my twisted mind to work developing more dangerously sexy stories.
TBR stack is down (as long as I don’t count the virtual shelf) – read a couple of print books
What is up with blogspot? If this keeps up I may not pay for spot -- oh that's right it's free. :~
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