The first big goal was to learn to write. This is one of those lifetime journey affairs--took me awhile to figure that out. I continue to travel the endless road, grateful I chose a path with great scenery. It is still a arduous trek but I’m not hacking my way through impentetrable jungle at the moment--more like hiking along decently marked but challenging trail.
The next big goal? Earn a living wage via writing. I do like a challenge.
The word meter for the new story stalled--a combination of real life interfering with my plans and noticing the minimum response time for the Pirate novella is getting closer. Knowing that if the story is not ready then the editor will absolutely respond faster than the estimated range, I hestitated, but getting a request and not being prepared is definitely worse that being ready and impatient. Hence, I’ve spent most of the week polishing the novella.
Current year's goals updated
1) Continue to study and learn the craft of writing. (this is a permanent goal)
2) Three submissions – done – follow up with a sequels* one done two in progress! (I’ve exceeded the submission quota and am well underway with sequels)
3) In roads into the TBR shelves
Progress report
1) Editing --applying what I’ve learned so far …
2) Six submissions sent! Two novels, one novella x two, and one short x two
Status: One sale--three rejections--two waiting to hear from the publishers
Number one: resting (revisions next year?)
Number two: Sold! Tasteful acquiring editor explained it will be months before an editor is assigned to work with me ... actual release date? Some time next year is my best guess.
Number three: Resubmitted--new estimated response time: two to four weeks
Number four: Resubmitted--new estimated response time: three weeks to ten months three weeks
Number five: Resting before final polishing edit
TBR shelves even reading ebook and one from library--I know all these good books to read and I’m reading a library book.
*Yes, I do admit this is an insane plan, but I need to stay busy. If I have idle time I become even more neurotic and imagine unpleasant things. Far better to put my twisted mind to work developing more dangerously sexy stories.
** Tasteful review editor wrote that she liked it and moved it to acquiring editor’s inbox. Sadly, acquiring editor’s inbox is overflowing