Reading Report
Sticking to my new disciplined reading plan, a historical was up next and I selected a new to me author, Christina Dodd. Now a new author comes with the added bonus of no expectations. My Favorite Bride was a bit like Oliver Twist meets the Sound of Music. The heroine is a reformed cut purse, the first of her ilk I've encountered, always a good thing. Her background had the benefit of providing a believable conflict.
Next came a romantic comedy, Nerd Gone Wild by Ms. Thompson, the hero is only pretending to be a nerd, which I found disappointing. I had anticipated a nerd hero. I should have read the cover copy more carefully,
Craft book of the week was Story by Robert McKee - aimed at script writers, it is nevertheless full of helpful advice for the aspiring novelist. Many helpful examples. And new explanations for things you may already know but for me refreshers are a good thing.