Publication Quest
Big week in the virtual mail box--two letters from tasteful editors!
From the lovely New Concepts Editor, gracious answers to nervous newbie questions. Basically saying we’re busy, we’ll let you know about revisions when an editor is assigned to your book. Meanwhile she sent me a style sheet and formatting samples which kept me busy making my document conform. The author liasion is very nice. He not only answers questions, but volunteers helpful information.
From the discriminating Ellora’s Cave editor a cheering note to let me know she enjoyed my pirate novella and has passed it on to acquiring editor. Woo hoo! She included a warning that they are very busy. It could be a long wait.
Despite having two word meters up, I’m not really writing two books at once. Just coordinating some key points in the continuity. Book two should be done by mid-August then a break for another short story before polishing book two and submitting mid-September. Then who knows perhaps another pirate story before wrapping my head around the final dangerous book.
Current year's goals updated
1) Continue to study and learn the craft of writing.
2) Three submissions – done – follow up with a sequels* to each-- two sequels in progress!
3) In roads into the TBR shelves
Progress report
1) Reading craft stuff –
Six submissions sent! Two novels, one novella x two, and one short x two
Status: One sale – two rejections – two waiting to hear from the publishers **
Number Two: Sold!
Number three: Resubmitted--new estimated response time--seven to nine weeks
Number four: Resubmitted – new estimated response time – two --twelve months
TBR stack is down (as long as I don’t count the virtual shelf) – reading three books (two print, one virtual)
*Yes, I do admit this is an insane plan, but I need to stay busy. If I have idle time I become even more neurotic and imagine unpleasant things. Far better to put my twisted mind to work developing more dangerously sexy stories.
** Tasteful review editor wrote that she liked it and moved it on to acquiring editor’s inbox. Sadly, acquiring editor’s inbox is overflowing - estimated response two--twelve months.
From the lovely New Concepts Editor, gracious answers to nervous newbie questions. Basically saying we’re busy, we’ll let you know about revisions when an editor is assigned to your book. Meanwhile she sent me a style sheet and formatting samples which kept me busy making my document conform. The author liasion is very nice. He not only answers questions, but volunteers helpful information.
From the discriminating Ellora’s Cave editor a cheering note to let me know she enjoyed my pirate novella and has passed it on to acquiring editor. Woo hoo! She included a warning that they are very busy. It could be a long wait.
Despite having two word meters up, I’m not really writing two books at once. Just coordinating some key points in the continuity. Book two should be done by mid-August then a break for another short story before polishing book two and submitting mid-September. Then who knows perhaps another pirate story before wrapping my head around the final dangerous book.
Current year's goals updated
1) Continue to study and learn the craft of writing.
2) Three submissions – done – follow up with a sequels* to each-- two sequels in progress!
3) In roads into the TBR shelves
Progress report
1) Reading craft stuff –
Six submissions sent! Two novels, one novella x two, and one short x two
Status: One sale – two rejections – two waiting to hear from the publishers **
Number Two: Sold!
Number three: Resubmitted--new estimated response time--seven to nine weeks
Number four: Resubmitted – new estimated response time – two --twelve months
TBR stack is down (as long as I don’t count the virtual shelf) – reading three books (two print, one virtual)
*Yes, I do admit this is an insane plan, but I need to stay busy. If I have idle time I become even more neurotic and imagine unpleasant things. Far better to put my twisted mind to work developing more dangerously sexy stories.
** Tasteful review editor wrote that she liked it and moved it on to acquiring editor’s inbox. Sadly, acquiring editor’s inbox is overflowing - estimated response two--twelve months.
This is definitely your year.
You've worked long and hard and the snowball is going to start rolling and you'll be so busy you won't have time for one neurotic thought ever. :)
Congratulations. You've earned this.
Thanks Sheila. ;) You'll probalby have to explain about romance and feelings a half a dozen more times. . . at least
Evanne! Congratulations on the positive feedback from Ellora's Cave. Here's hoping for lots more good news coming your way!
Isn't silly how the littlest bit of encouragement makes a writer happy for days? I'd love to be a Cavette or whatever they call themselves. LOL I'm counting on a full report from your conference trip.
Wow, cool news about the Ellora's Cave "pass up"! :-) Good luck!
Thanks Avery, have a great time at the conference and lots of luck on your perfect pitch!
Congrats Evanne on the EC news. And they're not lying about the wait - I've been waiting since March on a submission that is with an acquiring editor there. Waiting, waiting, waiting...
You are on a roll! :)
Hey Karen, Since March huh? :( I really need to learn patience. If everything I'm in a hurry for actually happened I'd have a total melt down from tyring to do it all. Trying to remind myself of this at least once a day...
Good luck with your submission!
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