Sunday, July 15, 2007

Publication Quest

Word count on the current story went backwards (down from 64k to 62k), darn! I knew it would happen. As I work with the previously written story--cutting and writing fresh parts--the cutting goes much faster than the writing. The story people are reshaping in my head and more slowly on the screen as I struggle for the right words to convey their characters. One of the tools that helps with this process are pictures of the characters.

Another good tool for me is understanding the mythical aspects of the romance and why these stories are so endlessly appealing. Real life is filled with frustrations and stories that don’t end well. Justice is not always served, bad things do happen to good people. All genre fiction offers an escape into a story world that makes more sense the real life. It also affirms our core values.

Readers are intelligent--they know the difference between a story and real life. They are not shirking responsibility by reading a romance any more than the baseball fan is blowing off the real world to watch a game of subtle strategy and obscure rules (or so they seems to me). It’s simply a way to take a break and refresh the spirit via entertainment.

Current year's goals updated

1) Continue to study and learn the craft of writing.

2) Three submissions – done – follow up with a sequels* to each-- two sequels in progress!

3) In roads into the TBR shelves

Progress report

1) Reading craft stuff -- character related

Six submissions sent! Two novels, one novella x two, and one short x two

Status: One sale – two rejections – three waiting to hear from the publishers


Number one: resting (revisions next year?)

Number two: Sold! Tasteful acquiring editor explained it will be months before an editor is assigned to work with me ... actual release date? Some time next year is my best guess.

Number three: Resubmitted--new estimated response time--six to eight weeks

Number four: Resubmitted – new estimated response time – one month three weeks--eleven months three weeks **

TBR stack is even (as long as I don’t count the virtual shelf) – reading two books (one print, one virtual - very slowly)

*Yes, I do admit this is an insane plan, but I need to stay busy. If I have idle time I become even more neurotic and imagine unpleasant things. Far better to put my twisted mind to work developing more dangerously sexy stories.

** Tasteful review editor wrote that she liked it and moved it on to acquiring editor’s inbox. Sadly, acquiring editor’s inbox is overflowing


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